
Can You Upload A Video Longer Than 60 Seconds On Instagram

Instagram Video Length

The Instagram video length requirement depends on the mail service type. Just, here's the short answer: the length limit for a regular feed video is 3 seconds to 1 infinitesimal.

Are yous wondering how long can Instagram videos exist?

With four types of Instagram videos (Feed video, Story video, Live video, and IGTV video) existing currently, it can be quite confusing to know what the required length is for each video type.

Don't worry. This article has you lot covered.

In this article, we'll briefly explain about the length requirement for each type of Instagram video. As a bonus, we'll also cover how you lot can post longer videos to Instagram with a nifty little hack.

Prepare? Allow'south go started.

Length Limit for Every Type of Instagram Video

Like we said earlier, the length requirement for a video on Instagram depends on the postal service type. Here are four kinds of Instagram videos and their length requirements:

Instagram Feed Video Length: 3 seconds – 1 minute

Instagram Story Video Length: Upwards to 15 seconds

Instagram Live Video Length: Upwards to 1 hour

IGTV Video Length: 15 seconds – 10 minutes (up to 1 hour for larger accounts)

Instagram Feed Video Length

Instagram feed video length

Your Instagram feed video is a traditional video post that appears on your primary Instagram profile page. Your feed video should exist between 3 seconds and 1 minute in length. You won't be able to postal service a video to your Instagram feed if it'south shorter than three seconds and longer than 1 infinitesimal.

However, Instagram lets y'all select a video that's longer than 1 infinitesimal and post a 1-infinitesimal department of the video. Let's run across how we tin can do this with the Instagram app.

First, tap on the plus (+) push button at the bottom of your feed screen.

Plus button instagram feed screen

Then select the video from your camera roll and tap "Next".

Next button camera roll

In the next screen that appears, you'll exist given the selection to add a filter, a caption to the video and trim the video. To trim the video, tap on the 'Trim' tab at the lesser of the screen.

Instagram video trim tab

Now hold and drag the start and finish handles until you accept the portion you desire to use.

Instagram video trim feature

Instagram Story Video Length

Instagram story video length

An Instagram Story video will be visible simply for 24 hours. After that time, information technology merely disappears. Videos posted to your Instagram story cannot exist longer than 15 seconds. If y'all select a video that's longer than 15 seconds, Instagram volition chop it into 15-second clips for y'all.

Instagram story auto crop feature

This, nonetheless, works merely for videos that are upward to a minute in length. This is considering Instagram limits the number of clips generated to four. For a video that's longer than a minute, yous tin chop information technology up yourself using Instagram's trimming tool, similar to how we chopped the feed video higher up.

If y'all were to shoot an Instagram story live in the app, Instagram would allow you to shoot up to 10 xv-2d clips in a single take.

Instagram Live Video LengthInstagram live video length

Instagram alive lets you broadcast live videos for upwards to an hour without retakes. The live video cannot be replayed after the broadcast and cannot be reposted. One time you lot hit the one hour limit, yous can become live over again for another hour and and then on.

IGTV Video Length

IGTV video length

Instagram TV is an add-on to your main account that lets creators upload loftier-quality, long-course videos. IGTV allows yous to upload videos that are between 15 seconds and 10 minutes in length.

For larger accounts – accounts that are verified or have lots of followers, the upload limit extends to ane hour.

Great, that's virtually it! Do you want to post a video to Instagram merely information technology exceeds the length limit? Read on to learn a hack that would allow yous to get around this result.

One Handy Instagram Video Length Limit Hack for Posting Longer Videos

There are moments when you'd desire to post a long video to Instagram that's several minutes in length. One way to become effectually the length limit effect is to create a carousel post.

Instagram carousel post

Paradigm Source: TechCrunch

A carousel mail lets you share up to 10 photos or videos every bit a single mail service that users tin swipe through. If you have a video that's longer than a minute, you lot can chop it into split clips and upload them into a carousel postal service.

You lot could use Instagram's built-in trimming tool or an online video trimmer to chop the video. Make sure to keep each prune nether a minute.

To create a carousel mail, tap on the carousel icon(looks like a bunch of squares stacked on top of each other) in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the clips you want to upload.

Instagram video carousel upload

Paradigm Source: TechCrunch


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